Yes, I am lucky – I have two healthy children and I’m pretty healthy myself. That’s what I consider luck to be. But that’s not what people refer to when they call me lucky.
“You’re so lucky” – your children are so well behaved, you and your husband have a great relationship, you get to work for yourself and take a day off whenever you want, you have exciting holidays, you’re so confident and happy. Am I painting the picture well enough here? People look at my life and think I’m “lucky” and it takes all of my inner strength to contain myself. You see, other than being able to have children and being healthy, I don’t believe in luck. So my reply when I hear “you’re so lucky”? “The harder you work, the luckier you get”. This is often received with a confused look before the realisation of what I’m saying dawns.
None of what I have achieved is luck, it’s all been part of a process, sacrifice, hard work and risk taking. Whilst everybody sees me always at the school gates, coming back from a nice holiday or having a weekday lunch out, what they haven’t seen are the worries that you’re not going to hit the next deadline, the nights spent working on your next business strategy to grow your business, the time spent studying to grow your knowledge, the anxiety of putting yourself into situations outside of your comfort zone in order to grow, the strictness in the earlier life of my children to help mould them into the pretty good behaviour they display now!
You too can also create your own “lucky” life. And not just the “luckiness” of physical things like a nice house and nice holidays, but your mental wellness too of a leading a happy and fulfilled life. Whilst everyone else is rueing their unluckiness you can go out there and get it! You create whatever life you want to lead. I did.