The vision, the purpose, the possibilities...oh my goodness, the excitement of it all! But no one tells you also about the sleepless nights, the hours spent researching, the self doubt...oh my goodness, the stress of it all!
Relaunching my own business has brought all of the above. You decide on the new name and sit back with pride. But then you need a new business card, which then needs a new website, which then needs a new logo. Can you see where I'm going with this? Launching a new business needs so much thought and action and one thing can't be done without another and the list soon becomes endless.
It's so tempting to want to tell everyone about your business as soon as your idea is born. But what I have learnt is that it is best to have patience. Don't launch your business until everything is ready, if not you are introducing everyone to half a business that is nearly ready. In order for me to quench my need to tell everyone I instead posted content to create anticipation around my relaunch. I did worry that I was building up the anticipation too much and that it would be a let down but I decided to roll with it!
I had a couple of challenges along the way, namely changing my social media platform names from one name to another. Facebook do not like drastic name changes on a business page and when I put in my request to change my page to my new name it was declined! Cue one sleepless night thinking of ways to get around this - I definitely didn't want to create a new page and lose all of my reviews and likes. But I'm the Woman Who Can right! And the sense of achievement I felt when I successfully managed to change the name to what I wanted was immense - I'd beaten a Facebook robot!
I have been fortunate to work with numerous new and emerging businesses and each one has had it's challenges. When obstacles have come along, I have found it best to view these not as roadblocks but as opportunities to learn and develop. You think something can't be done? There is always a way! It might take time and patience, and the road might be a winding one instead of a straight path, but once you have overcome the obstacles the feeling of satisfaction will overcome your frustrations.
If you're ready to launch your new business, let me help you along the way. Whether you need a guiding hand, or a great big shove in the right direction, the support is there for you when you have a Woman Who Can by your side.