I love sales but I know that not everyone does. What I see as exciting, others are afraid of.
😀 Showing others what you're selling
☹ Worrying about other people's opinions of it
😀 Setting your price
☹ Am I charging too much?
😀 Following up on leads
☹ Being too pushy
😀 Getting the sale
☹ What do I do now?
So are you actually scared of selling? Or are you scared of what it means?
Get over these hurdles and you can be excited about sales too.
So, let’s break each one down.
You’re worried about other people’s opinions.
This is often a mindset barrier. You’re worried what your family or friends might say. Are they your ideal client? Are they buying from you? The only opinion you need to be concerned about are your customers – they are the only ones whose opinion will affect your sales. If you’ve done your market research correctly your product should be meeting the needs of your customer so they are going to love it! And as for the opinions of everyone else, it doesn’t matter.
Am I charging too much?
You get paid in proportion to the value you bring. Look at the value that your service and product will give and price accordingly. If you’re worried that people will think it’s too expensive then you haven’t sold the value. Many people think that the reason they haven’t sold something is because it’s too expensive but it’s not, it’s that you haven’t sold your customer the value.
I’m being too pushy.
Follow up is key. People very rarely buy on the first contact, not even the second. If you view a follow up as being a service rather than being pushy this will help. You are being helpful to your customer, reminding them that they showed an interest in your product and finding out if they need any more information or if they are ready to buy.
What do I do now?
You’ve got the sale, congratulations! But now you’re not sure what to do. Send an invoice? How to collect payment? Postage? Feedback? There is a lot to think about but if you plan your process from start to finish before that sale has come in then it will run smoothly and you will feel confident.
So don't be scared of sales, overcome these hurdles and you will grow to enjoy it!